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"Regularidade Imperfeita", by Roberto Barciela (2020)
Since the end of the Second World War, the idea of making a history of the present time has become part of the discussions of historians in contemporary history studies.
"Mafuá", Bruno Schmidt (2019)
In Brazil, with the culturalist turn, history of the present time began to be debated in the 1970s, especially in the field of oral history.However, the debates towards history of the present time have been reconfigured in face of the changes happening in historiography itself in the 1980s and the post-1989 world context.

In the 2000s, history of the present time joined a new methodological phase, whose temporal references are dynamic, because it is understood that the present means the current and it can be better investigated if considered in longer durations.
The interest for the present has brought new epistemological challenges for historians, such as the problematization of the relations between memory and history or the short temporal distancing of historians in regard to the events studied.
Moreover, a history of the present time reveals the evidence of the debate between the impossible impartiality and the personal perspective of historians' writing and its social function. This new history of the present time is transdisciplinary and global.
This research group congregates, other than historians, economists, jurists, physicians, literary critics, among others, which allows the elaboration of problems and analysis with breadth and depth of critical consideration.
History has always benefited from the dialogue and debate with other areas, especially the social and human sciences. The group is an observatory that promotes analysis of events, ideas, actions and conjunctures that unfold at the time of its achievements and are analyzed from its multiple temporalities. In other words: we study the present time in its historicity.
The history of the present time, therefore, is a history that is under construction, it is open and may take several directions. The history of the present time allows researchers of the Humanities to mobilize and combine different tools of work and knowledge, crossing multiple temporalities and spatialities, in order to offer an interpretation about a constellation of recent facts that have great impact in contemporary life.