Since the conclusion of the activities of the National Truth Commission (CNV) on December 16, 2014, there has been intense academic production in Brazil and abroad based on the report and documents gathered by the commission. These initiatives involved the description and analysis of the activities developed by the CNV, the translation of the text of the report into other languages, and research aimed at deepening and expanding the results obtained by the research conducted by the commission in the context of studies dedicated to the theme of transitional justice.
In order to collect, systematize and disseminate the documents, the report and information on the activities of the CNV, the Institute of International Relations of USP created NACE CNV Brazil, and UFF, through the Observatory of Present Time, is a partner of the Nucleus, along with other national and international universities.
Being a university extension activity, the diffusion of information about the CNV will take place through public access to a database to be made up of documents available in public and private archives, as well as academic production carried out in Brazil and in other countries.
The sources available here come from the National Truth Commission's fund, located in the digital archive of the National Archives. A curatorship was carried out to present the digitized documents in pdf format, as opposed to those presented in video format. The research instrument presented here is based on the organization of the collection itself in conformity with the Classification Plan of the documents of the National Truth Commission (Memorial describing the collection: boxes 1 to 249. Brasília, 15 May 2015. 14p. (cf. process 08060.000034/2015-96). The work was done by the scholarship holders Alexander da Silva Braz, Daniel Costa Bezerra Ramos, Laís Nóbrega Gabetto de Sá and Rodrigo Farias de Marca da Silva. The revision was done by Laís Nóbrega Gabetto de Sá and Rodrigo Farias de Marca da Silva. The supervision was provided by Angélica Müller.